New Food Industry 2023年 65巻 4月号


サラシア属植物のin vitroにおける加齢臭予防作用

芳野 恭士(YOSHINO Kyoji),鈴木 康太(SUZUKI Kohta),梅原 塁(UMEBARA Rui),塚浜 歩(TSUKAHAMA Ayumu),橋本 雄太(HASHIMOTO Yuta),金髙 隆(KANETAKA Takashi),古賀 邦正(KOGA Kunimasa)

Preventive effects of Salacia plants on aging odor in in vitro study
Authors: Kyoji Yoshino 1*, Kohta Suzuki 1, Rui Umebara 1, Ayumu Tsukahama 1, Yuta Hashimoto 1,Takashi Kanetaka 2, Kunimasa Koga 3
*Corresponding author: Kyoji Yoshino
Affiliated institutions:
1 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, National Institute of Technology, Numazu College
2 Seiko Co., Ltd
3 Japan Wildlife Research Center
Key Words: Salacia plant, aging odor, aldehyde, lipid peroxidation
Salacia reticulata is a species of Salacia plants which are vine plants of the family Hippocrateaceae. The roots and stems of Salacia plants were used in traditional medicine in India and Sri Lanka to treat early diabetes and skin diseases. In this preliminary in vitro study, we examined the suppressive effects of leaf and stem extracts of S. reticulata on the production of aging odor components, such as 2-nonenal (2-NE) according to the peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in in vitro system.
  Corn oil and palmitoleic acid were autoxidized by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation at 352 nm and 253.7 nm. The leaf or stem extracts of S. reticulata were added at final concentrations of 2% or 5% (w/w) to the oils before UV irradiation. The total levels of aldehydes and ketones produced from the oils were determined by a fluorometric method with 1,3-cyclohexanedione (CHD) or a colorimetric method with thiobarbituric acid (TBA). In addition, the amounts of 1-hexanal (HA) and 2-NE were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography using ODS column. 
 The levels of CHD reactive substances and TBA reactive substances were increased from corn oil and palmitoleic acid by UV irradiation for 120 min and 93 min, respectively. The addition of 2% stem extract of S. reticulata suppressed these levels. After UV irradiation for 48 min, HA was produced from corn oil and palmitoleic acid, whereas 2-NE was produced only from palmitoleic acid. The addition of 2% and 5% extracts of the leaf or stem suppressed the productions of these aldehydes. The effects of the stem extract on the production of 2-NE were almost the same as those of the leaf extract, while the effects of the stem extract on the productions of total aldehydes and HA tended to be stronger than those of the leaf extract.
 These results indicate that the extracts prepared from the leaf and stem of S. reticulata could prevent aging odor by the suppressive effects on the production of aldehydes in the peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids.
 不飽和脂肪酸が酵素や紫外線(UV),空気中での自動酸化などで過酸化反応を受けると,様々なアルデヒドやケトンが生成することが知られている1, 2)。我々も以前に,不飽和脂肪酸の酵素や自動酸化による過酸化反応で,不飽和脂肪酸の構造に特異的なアルデヒドとして,リノレン酸C18:3のようなn-3の脂肪酸からは主に1-プロパナールと1-ブタナールなどが,リノール酸C18:2のようなn-6の脂肪酸からは主に1-ペンタナールと4-ヒドロキシノネナール,1-ヘキサナール(HA)などがそれぞれ生じることを報告している3)。これら不飽和脂肪酸の酸化反応によるアルデヒドの生成は動物の体内でも起こり,その際に生じる酸化ストレスや肝臓などの障害に関与しているものと考えられる4, 5)。こうした体内でのアルデヒドの生成は,抗酸化活性を持つ植物ポリフェノールにより抑制することができる。例えば,チオバルビツール酸(TBA)法で測定したラットの肝臓中のアルデヒドレベルは,13ヵ月齢まで加齢とともに上昇するが,3週齢以降に継続して緑茶ポリフェノールを投与した場合,13ヵ月齢でのそのレベルは低下する傾向が見られ,それらのレベルとHA量の間には正の強い相関が見られている6)。
 ところで,ヒトの加齢臭の主な原因であるとされる不飽和アルデヒドの2-ノネナール(2-NE)もまた,加齢に伴う体内抗酸化力の低下や皮脂中の脂肪酸組成の変化により,n-7の脂肪酸であるパルミトレイン酸C16:1が過酸化反応を受けることや皮膚常在菌により分解されることで生成するものと考えられている7, 8)。2-NEは,20歳代や30歳代のヒトからはほとんど検出されず,40歳代以降になると男女ともに検出の頻度や量が増加する傾向が見られる。2-NEもまた,脂質過酸化反応で生成する他のアルデヒドと同様に,タンパク質への結合や酸化ストレスの増強を起こし,動脈硬化の発症などを引き起こす可能性がある9)。従って,加齢臭は単なる匂いの好みという問題に留まらず,老化に伴う生理機能の低下や生活習慣病等の発症とも関連がある可能性がある。



高橋 雅人(TAKAHASHI Masato)

Japan's future food “NOURRITURE”
Corresponding author: Masato Takahashi [Professor of Advanced Pharmacy]
Affiliated institution:Kumamoto University School of Pharmacy /Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Key Words: Supplement, Food for specified health uses, Foods with function claims, so-called health foods
 The supplement market in Japan is maturing. However, it cannot be said that it is a sound market. Because most of the market is “so-called health food”, which is not legally regulated.Many “so-called health foods” do not give top priority to consumer safety. Some of these include products with uncertain ingredients and products that intentionally contain drugs. In addition, there are some cases of illegal sales and health damage. Therefore, we examined the supplements in the future from the roots.



具 然和(GU Yeunhwa),山下 剛範(YAMASHITA Takenori),井上 登太(INOUE Tota)

The mechanism of radiation protection effect in propolis against radiation teratogenicity
Authors: Yeunhwa Gu 1*, Takenori Yamashita 2 and Tota Inoue 3
* Corresponding author: Yeunhwa Gu
Affiliated institutions:
1 Department of Radiological Science, Graduate School of Health Science, Faculty of Health Science Junshin Gakuen University
2 Suzuka University of Medical Science
3 Mie breathing swallowing rehabilitation clinic
Key Words:  External Malformation, Skeletal Malformation, Propolis, Radiation protection effect.
 Previous studies have revealed effects on fetuses, which are most sensitive to radiation.In this study, maternal mice were exposed to radiation during fetal organogenesis, and radiation protection effects were examined from both the individual level, such as external malformation and skeletal malformation, and the cellular level, such as apoptosis. There was no significant difference in pre-implantation mortality between the control group and each irradiation group. In addition, no significant difference was observed between the 1.5Gy irradiation alone group and the propolis administered 1.5Gy irradiation group. From this, it is considered that there is no effect of radiation on pre-implantation death in this study. A clear significant difference was observed in the embryonic mortality rate when comparing the control group, the sham control group, the radiation-only group, and the propolis administered 1.5Gy radiation group. In addition, the embryo mortality rate was clearly lower in the 1.5Gy irradiation group after administration of propolis than in the irradiation group.
 A clear significant difference was observed in the external malformation incidence rate when comparing the control group and sham control group with each irradiation group.
 When comparing the malformation rate in the radiation-only group and the propolis administered radiation-irradiated group, the radiation group was lower than the propolis administered group.
 Considering this malformation rate, propolis may have no protective effect against radiation.There was a significant difference in the incidence of skeletal malformation between the control group and the sham control group between the radiation group and the propolis administered 1.5Gy irradiation group.In addition, when comparing the 1.5Gy irradiation group and the propolis administration group, the incidence of skeletal malformation decreased in the propolis administration group. Therefore, the incidence of external malformations was lower in the propolis administered and 1.5Gy irradiation group, but considering the higher incidence, skeletal malformations were significantly reduced by propolis administration. The number of pyknosis cells decreased in the propolis treated and irradiated group compared to the control group. This results from radiation. Regarding apoptosis, no significant difference was observed between the 1.5Gy irradiation group and the propolis administered 1.5Gy irradiation group compared to the control group. Therefore, the protective effect of propolis against radiation was not clearly defined in her apoptosis.


Alejandro Mena Acra, Shin Uota and Hiroshi Sakagami

Authors:Alejandro Mena Acra 1, Shin Uota 2 and Hiroshi Sakagami 3.
*Corresponding author: Alejandro Mena Acra 1
Affiliated institutions: 
1 Autonomus University of the State of Mexico (UAEM)
3 Meikai University Research Institute of Odontology (M-RIO)
  Food and nutrition are the way that we get fuel, providing energy for our bodies. We need to replace nutrients in our bodies with a new supply every day. Water is an important component of nutrition. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all required. Maintaining key vitamins and minerals are also important to maintaining good health. A healthy diet includes a lot of natural foods, and the effective management of food intake and nutrition are both key to good health. This manuscript describes the state of traditional foods and food customs in Japan and Mexico.

Alejandro Mena Acra,魚田 慎(UOTA Shin),坂上 宏(SAKAGAMI Hiroshi)



小田 慎太郎(ODA Shintaro),猪俣 恵(INOMATA Megumi),坂上 宏(SAKAGAMI Hiroshi)

Association of periodontal disease with human oral virus plexus
Authors: Shintaro Oda 1*, Megumi Inomata 2, Hiroshi Sakagami 3
*Corresponding author: Shintaro Oda
Affiliated institutions:
1 Gifu University Graduate School Natural Science and Technology Department of Life Science and Chemistry
2 Department of Microbiology, Meikai University School of Dentistry, Department of Oral Regenerative Medicine
3 Meikai University Research Institute of Odontology (M-RIO)
Key Words: periodontal disease, oral bacteria cluster, virus plexus, bacteriophage plexus
 A wide variety of microorganisms are involved in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, and such studies have focused on bacteria for long time. Recently,  the involvement of viruses in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease has been clarified, stimulating the studies of virus plexus (virome) to elucidate the mechanism. The oral cavity contains viruses and bacteriophage plexus that infect bacteria. Herpes viruses have been reported to be associated with periodontal disease. Its infection on human cells may interact with periodontal disease-associated bacteria and affect the immune system, leading to periodontal disease. Bacteriophages, on the other hand, have been suggested to affect the oral microflora by infecting periodontal disease-associated bacteria or other bacteria.



瀬口 正晴(SEGUCHI Masaharu),楠瀬 千春(KUSUNOSE Chiharu)


シリーズ: 世界の健康食品のガイドライン・ガイダンスの紹介 第5回

―欧州食品安全機関 (EFSA).関節機能に関する機能性評価―

鈴木 直子 (SUZUKI Naoko),野田 和彦 (NODA Kazuhiko),波多野 絵梨 (HATANO Eri),金子 拓矢 (KANEKO Takuya),中村 駿一 (NAKAMURA Shunichi),LIU XUN,LAI RICHARD SUN-KWONG,柿沼 俊光 (KAKINUMA Toshihiro) ,馬場 亜沙美 (BABA Asami),山本 和雄 (YAMAMOTO Kazuo),
柿沼 俊光 (KAKINUMA Toshihiro),馬場 亜沙美 (BABA Asami),
山本 和雄 (YAMAMOTO Kazuo)

Introduction to Guidelines or Guidance for Health Food Products in the World: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) series
—Functional Assessment of Joint Functions—
Keywords: European food safety authority, clinical trials, health food, joint, cartilage, osteoarthritis
Authors: Naoko Suzuki 1)*,  Kazuhiko Noda 1), Eri Hatano 1), Takuya Kaneko 1), Shunichi Nakamura 1), Xun Liu 1), Richard Sun-Kwong Lai 1),  Toshihiro Kakinuma1), Asami Baba1), Kazuo Yamamoto1)
*Correspondence author: Naoko Suzuki
Affiliated institution:
前回の「シリーズ 世界の健康食品のガイドライン・ガイダンスの紹介―欧州食品安全機関(EFSA). 骨機能に関する機能性評価―」に引き続き,欧州食品安全機関(European Food Safety Authority: EFSA)の発行するガイダンス(以下,EFSAガイダンス)について隔月で紹介する。今回は,EFSAガイダンスの「関節機能に関する機能性評価」の中のアウトカムの設定や科学的根拠の説明などを紹介する。

連載 世界のメディカルハーブ No.7


渡辺 肇子WATANABE Hatsuko

 ペパーミントはスペアミント(Mentha spicata)とウォーターミント(Mentha aquatica)の交配種で,1700年頃イングランドの原野で発見されて以降,栽培されるようになりました。ニホンハッカ(和ハッカ),マルバハッカ(アップルミント),スペアミント(ミドリハッカ)などが分類されるハッカ属に含まれる20種以上の中で,特に清涼感のある香りを放つおなじみの植物です。ハッカ属は多様性に富むグループで,交配で生まれた変種は名前を付けられたものだけでも2,300種以上あるとされます。